Google Podcasts for Podcasters

Google Podcasts is out for podcast listeners, but here are a few tips that creators can use, provided by the team from Google.

Generate a Google Podcasts link for your feed.

As this rolls out, over two billion Android phones around the world will be able to open your podcast directly in Google Podcasts just by clicking a link. To generate your link, visit our link generator tool. If it says your feed “is not currently indexed by Google Podcasts,” please visit our Developer Guidelines and make sure you are following the instructions there. If you have additional questions, visit our Webmaster Central Help Forum.

The link clicks directly to your podcast in Google Podcasts, and podcasters like Casey Neistat have already discovered this functionality:

Link users on your website using the Google Podcasts badge.

Follow this link to download our brand assets, which you can use on your website to direct listeners to Google Podcasts. Please use them tastefully on white, solid color, or unobtrusive image backgrounds, and don’t rotate or shrink below legible sizes.

Review our Developer Guidelines.

Make sure you are doing everything right to appear in the Google Podcasts app, Google Search, and the Google Assistant. This combination powers a cross-device experience that allows people to pause in one place and resume in another.

We added three new sections to our Developer Guidelines, including instructions for tracking analytics from Google Podcasts, which are also pasted below. As you may know, Google Podcasts streams directly from your hosting provider (Libsyn, Art19, Megaphone, Simplecast, Acast, and many more). These services should make sure to provide the updated data, so podcasters can understand their growth.

  • Track requests from Google Podcasts by looking for the regular expression \b(GoogleChirp|GSA)\/.

  • To separate analytics for Google Podcasts on Android from Google Podcasts on smart speakers, look for the following regular expressions:

    • Google Podcasts on Android: \bGSA\/

    • Google Podcasts on smart speakers: \bGoogleChirp\/

Finally, use your podcast to let your listeners know: Google Podcasts is a new free app that gives personalized recommendations and integrates natively with Google Search and Google Assistant. Many of them are probably looking for a great new Android podcast app, including those who are streaming from their computers.

We’ve created a PDF with suggested talking points for spreading the word on air.

Thanks to Google for providing this content for the podcasters, and make sure to join us at PM18 for your first chance to meet the team from Google Podcasts!

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